Attention to detail

Image 29-06-2020 at 11.24 3.JPG

It was a warm summers day in July 2019 when Georgie & Ross celebrated their special day. I don’t even know where to begin to describe what an incredible wedding this was to work on. A gorgeous family with gorgeous plans - a clear vision to create the most magnificent setting for their wedding day. I met with the family several times and I remember our meetings as being very exciting and full of creative conversation and attention to detail - a real collaboration of ideas and thoughts surrounding the floral designs for the marquee.

Their otherwise pastel colour palette had touches of mustard tones, mainly coming from one of my favourite roses, The Mustard Rose. When it arrives in the workshop it has an intense golden colour with grey undertones, but as it opens and unfolds, the colour fades and showcases the most gorgeous soft golden tone. Not only is it heavenly, it also takes a more subtle pastel colour palette in a new direction, adding something a little brighter - but doing so very gently.


Along the way we also delved into the world of table settings, discussing chairs, table linen, crockery and glassware. This is a part of the process I really enjoy and for this wedding, I collaborated with the amazing Jacaranda Catering. Using coloured linen or coloured water glasses for example, is such a wonderful way of introducing colour to the tables and creating a more cohesive look with visual impact. All of those details will add to the final setting looking that little bit more finished and refined. For this wedding, to elevate the final setting further, we added artichokes, pomegranates and figs to the tables as final details. We also included pepper berries in the floral designs.


The family put a huge amount of effort into the surroundings of the marquee too and the finished look was exceptionally beautiful. Their vision and attention to detail took them down a path of creating the most stunning setting where the marquee almost looked as if it was part of the garden, a structure that belonged there. This was created by positioning the marquee amongst the mature trees in the garden and by planting flowers and shrubs around it too, softening the feel of this magnificent marquee from Southdowns Marquees.


One of the main floral designs in the marquee was an enormous floral chandelier, suspended from the marquee structure above the circular bar. This design was to be jam packed with exquisite flowers and candle lit glass baubles. The vibrant green touches came from the delicate plant Maidenhead fern, which by the way, is always featured in the royal weddings in Sweden. It always feels comforting to use ingredients that remind me of home. Apart from this slightly royal foliage we used cascading orchids, corylus and the most incredible amount of Hydrangeas and roses. It was a labour of love all made from biodegradable materials in the mechanics.


When the church was decorated, the twenty three tables were dressed, the chandelier installed and the candles were lit, just before the guests sat down, I counted my lucky stars and high fived my amazing team who were beside me from start to finish. I couldn’t have done it without their support.

I slept well that night.


The thing about large floral installations


It all begins with a concept